All foreign nationals have to pay their hotel bills in foreign currency only, in cash, travelers' cheques or credit cards. Indian currency is accepted if supported by proof of certificate of encashment.
Concessional tickets like Indrail Pass, Youth fares, Discover India Fares and Air Fares are to be paid for in foreign exchange only.
Do not purchase air/ rail/ bus tickets through strangers or unauthorized travel agents.
Do not hire any type of transportation from unlicensed or unapproved operators.
While shopping, sightseeing or going to and from transportation terminals, avoid touts and brokers. Be aware of unscrupulous shopkeepers; if you feel that you are being abused, do not hesitate to consult the proper authorities.
Taxi and auto-rickshaws fares keep changing, therefore, they do not always conform to readings on meters. Taxis and auto-rickshaws do not have meters in all cities, but where they do, insist on the meter being flagged in your presence. Incase the driver refuses to cooperate, seek the assistance of a policeman. Where there are no meters, ask assistance at your hotel and agree on the fare in advance.
Customs Formalities
Visitors are generally required to make an oral baggage declaration in respect of baggage and foreign currency in their possession. Visitors in possession of more than US$ 10,000 or equivalent thereof as in the form of travelers' checks, bank notes or currency notes are required to obtain a Currency Declaration Form before leaving customs. They should fill in the Disembarkation Card handed over to them by the airline during the course of the flight.
There are two channels for Custom clearance
� Green Channel: For passengers not in possession of any dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage.
� Red Channel: For passengers with dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage or high value articles to be entered on the Tourist Baggage Re-export form.
Passengers embarking on journeys to any place outside India from a Customs Airport/ seaport will have to pay a Foreign Travel Tax (FTT).
Immigration Passport
Citizens of all countries require a valid national passport or valid travel documents and valid visa.
Arrival Formalities
If the visa for a stay in India is more than 180 days, a Registration Certificate and Residential Permit should be obtained from the nearest Foreigner's Registration Office within 15 days of arrival. All persons, including Indian nationals are required to fill in a Disembarkation Card at the time of arrival. Four photographs are also required for registration. Foreigners registered at the Foreigner's Registration Office are required to report any change of address.
Exit Formalities
Every foreigner who is about to depart finally from India should surrender his Certificate of Registration either to the Registration Officer of the place where he/ she is registered or of the place from where he/ she intends to depart or to the Immigration Officer at the Port / Check post of exit from India. All persons leaving India by air, road or rail have to fill in an Embarkation Card at the time of departure.
Requirement of Visa: Foreigners desirous of visiting India can do so after obtaining a visa from the Indian Mission in the country of their residence. They should possess a valid National Passport. Various categories of Visa exist, which are TRANSIT VISA, LANDING PERMIT FACILITY, TOURIST GROUPS, BUSINESS VISA, STUDENT VISA, CONFERENCE VISA, EMPLOYMENT VISA etc. You are requested to get in touch with the nearest Indian consulate.
For visa extension, contact
Office of the Commissioner of Police,
Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum)
Ph: 0471-2320555.
Health Regulations
No vaccinations are necessary for travel to India. However foreign tourists should be in possession of a Yellow Fever Vaccination certificate conforming to International Health Regulations, if they are originating or traveling through Yellow Fever endemic countries.
Note: It is always a wise precaution, however, to consult your physician, as to your needs, when traveling to foreign destinations.
List of Indian Consulates
Indian Embassies Abroad
Argentina: Embassy of India in Buenos Aires
� Belgium and Luxembourg: Embassy of India in Brussels
� Brazil: Consulate General of India in São Paulo
� Canada: Consulate General of India in Vancouver
� Canada: High Commission of India in Ottawa
� China: Consulate-General of India in Shanghai
� China: Embassy of India in Beijing
� Cuba: Embassy of India in Havana
� Egypt: Embassy Of India in Cairo
� Germany: Embassy of India in Berlin
� Germany: Embassy of India in Bonn
� High Commission of India, London
� High Commission of India, Singapore
� Hong Kong: Consulate General of India
� Hungary: Embassy of India in Budapest
� Indonesia: Embassy of India in Jakarta
� Iran: Embassy of India in Tehran
� Nepal: Embassy of India in Kathmandu
� Oman: Embassy of India in Muscat
� Peru: Embassy of India in Lima
� Russian Federation: Embassy of India in Moscow (2)
� Saudi Arabia: Consulate General in Jeddah
� Slovakia: Embassy of India in Bratislava -
� South Africa: Consulate General of India in Johannesburg
� Sweden: Embassy of India in Stockholm |
Thailand: Embassy of India in Bangkok
� UAE: Embassy Of India in Abu Dhabi
� Australia: Indian High Commission 3-5 Moonah Place, Yarrelumla Canberra ACT 2600 Voice: 06-273 3999
� Indian Consulate Level 27, 25 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Voice: 02-223 9500
� Indian Honorable Consulate 13 Monro Street, Coburg, Melbourne VIC 3058 Voice: 03-384 0141
� Indian Honorable Consulate 4th Floor, 195 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, Perth WA 6004 Voice: 09-221 1207
� Canada: Consulate General of India Suite 500, 2 Bloor Street West Toronto-Ontario, Canada M4W 3E2 Voice 00-1-416-9600751, 9600752, 9606253 Fax 00-1-416-9609812
� Greece: Embassy of India 3 Kleanthous Street, 106 74 Athens, Greece Voice: 721-6227 , 721-6481 Fax: 721-1252
� Israel: Embassy of India Tel Aviv, Israel Voice: +972 - 3 - 510 1431 Fax: +972 - 3- 510 1434
Email: [email protected]
� Netherlands Indian Embassy Buitenrustweg 2 2517 KD Den Haag The Netherlands Voice: 070-3469771 |
Banks are open for transaction from 10.00 to 14.00 hrs on all days except Sundays
(10.00 to 12.00 hrs).
Best time to visit
High season: October to April - Monsoon.
Rejuvenation programmes: May to September
Travel wear: Cotton outfits, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen lotion etc
Credit cards
Main hotels, restaurants and shopping centres honour major credit cards.
Currency Indian Rupee (INR)
Heavy punishments including imprisonment are imposed for possession of narcotic drugs.
All standard restaurants offer a variety of cuisines including Continental, Chinese, Indian and typical Kerala fare.
Emergency numbers
Police control room: 100 Fire station: 101 Ambulance: 101
(Hours fast (+), slow (-) on IST)
USA: -10.30, Germany: - 4.30, Canada: - 10.30, France: - 4.30, Australia: + 4.30, Spain: -4.30, UAE: - 1.30
Tap water is purified and quite safe to drink. It is not advisable to drink water from slow moving streams, lakes or dams. Mineral water is available in sealed bottles.
Temple codes
Footwear inside the temple and entry into the sanctum sanctorum is banned in all the temples.
Other customs and codes of conduct and dress in temples across the State vary from each other.
Some temples do not permit entry to non-Hindus, while some do. Shirts for men and pants are banned from some temples and allowed in some others. Where they are banned, men have to be in mundus and women, in saris, half-saris or long skirts.
Ayurvedic treatment
If you wish to undergo Ayurvedic treatment, it is very important to ensure that you go to an authorised centre.
Wildlife sanctuaries
To visit a wildlife sanctuary, prior permission has to be taken from the concerned authority of the sanctuary.
For further enquiries, contact:
The Chief Conservator of Forests,
Thiruvananthapuram 695014
Ph: + 91-471-2322217